Dual Platform Indicator is a very useful product for weigh bridge application. It is used to connect two weighing platform through a single weight indicator.
Digital Load Cell
Key Features
- Corner correction not required*
- No Calibration required
- No signal attenuation from external environment
- Better Accuracy
- Long Distance signal communicationbetween weighbridge room and structure(Up to 200 meter)
- Built In Surge protection
- Superior finish with superior Orange cable
- No chance of Signals manipulation
- Very simple & easy installation procedure
- Easy field replace ability
- Cost Effective
- Rated capacity 30 Ton
- Protection Class IP68
Dual Platform
- Two weigh bridge platforms can be connected - Dual platform indicator has two individual ports for connecting weigh bridge platform. Thus two weigh bridge platforms can be connected in a single weight indicator (Dual platform indicator).
- Individual calibration - Both the weigh bridge platform will be calibrated individually. The capacity & length of both the platform can be different.
- Weight Display - The platform selection option is field programmable. The weight of individual platform, Platform 1 + Platform 2 can be shown in the indicator.
NOTE:Out of two Weigh Bridge platform, both can be of electronic type or one can be electro mechanical and other can be Fully Electronic Weighbridge.
- Capacity Expansion - Capacity of existing Weigh Bridge can be increased easily by using Dual Platform Indicator.
- Two weigh bridges through a single indicator-Two separate weigh bridges can be operate through a dual platform indicator. Tare weight of vehicle in platform 1 and Gross weight at platform 2 can also be taken.
- Saving of operator cost - Single operator is required to operate two weigh bridges, results in saving of operator cost.
Product Description
Note: – During installation or breakdown of one platform, the working of other Platform will not be affected.
iNET Application
- Automatic Data sending - I-Net Indicator automatically send all the weighment details in the Web server.
- Easy access of data - All weighing data is available on web server hence can be seen from any remote location in the world.
- Provision to add multiple Weighbridges - Multiple weigh bridges can be linked to a single account. Weighbridge-wise data reports can be generated in the Web Server.
- Very High Security - Weighment details cannot be seen by those who do not have the password of the registered Email Id. Thus unauthorized access of weighment detail is not possible.
- Weighment Details in the Web Server
- View of Report in Excel Format - Weighment report can be download in Excel Sheet.
- Provision to create more user - The master user can allow more email Ids to view the weighment data. Permission to save or delete the weighment data is programmable for master user.
Hardware Requirement
At the Weigh Bridge
- Alpha Numeric Weight Indicator with i-NET Facility.
- GSM Modem to be connected with i-Net Indicator.
- GPRS facility activated Mobile SIM of any service provider.
At the Weigh Bridge
- Computer with Internet connection.
- Web Browser, Firefox 3.6, Google Chrome 10 or above, Internet Explorer 7, 8.
- Microsoft Excel - To download and view Excel reports.
Product Description
In this application, the weight Indicator automatically sends all the weighment details in the Web server through GPRS. For this a GSM Modem with GPRS enabled Mobile Sim is to install with the I-net Indicator. User can view the weighment details any time from any part of the world by accessing the web server through his E-mail Id.
Note: – During installation or breakdown of one platform, the working of other Platform will not be affected.
Multi Insert Application
- Multiple weighments can be done in a single Ticket/RST No. (Up-to 15).
- Material name can be entered using external IBM keyboard like Iron, Steel, Sariya etc.
- The description of Net weight of each item is mentioned correctly in the ticket.
- Ticket contains Name of item, Last weight, Net weight of material, with Gross weight and Total Net weight.
- Multiple Weighment - Entry of multiple items in a single ticket saves lot of time and effort.
- Reduces Errors - Provision to connect standard IBM keyboard for field entries. All the weighment related calculations are done by the Machine, so chances of Human errors reduce.
- Cross Check - Details of loading or unloading of material is mentioned in the ticket. Thus the cross checking of material get very easy.
Product Description
In this application multiple weighments can be done in a single ticket / RST no. Materials are weighed one by one in the platform and the Net weight of each material is mentioned individually in the ticket correctly.
Useful Application
Very useful application for various industries like Steel.
Sms Facility System
- Up to 5 mobile numbers can be registered in the indicator. Weighment details will be sent on these registered mobile numbers.
- A GSM modem with a mobile sim is to install with the indicator.
- All the SMS of weighment details will be sent through mobile sim install in GSM modem.
- Registered mobile number can ask for summary report by sending an SMS to the sim installed in the GSM modem.
- Provision to send the SMS of weighment details to any additional mobile number entered during data entry. This mobile number can be of driver or supplier or any other.
- While creating party code mobile number of the party can also be registered. An SMS will automatically send to the mobile number, when any vehicle of him comes for weighment.
- The user can receive weighment details any where through SMS.
- Total monitoring of weighment activities can be done from any remote location.
- It can be a useful marketing tool as sending of weighment details to the supplier will give a positive impact on suppliers mind about weighbridge services.
Other Standard Features
- 2 Lac Record Memory
- USB Port for Keyboard
- 10 no Field Entries
- Pre Printed Ticket setting
- Coding Facility and many more…….
Product Description
Through this indicator, the owner of weighbridge can receive weighment details through SMS. Multiple mobile numbers can be registered in the indicator & on completion of every weighment, details are automatically sent to the registered mobile number.